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Applies to versions: 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

QuickBooks Pay Item Expressions

This article explains the ability to customize the payroll items sent to QuickBooks 

Purpose of Expressions

When TimeIPS exports payroll data to QuickBooks each piece of time is associated with a payroll item. This is often something like "Regular" for standard time. With expressions you can apply custom logic when determining the payroll item.

Defining Payroll Items With Expressions

To use custom logic you must define the expression in the "Pay Type" field for that payroll item. Expressions must start with an equals sign '='. They provide a single line of code that is evaluated and returns the payroll item. When using expressions, leave the Separator, Appended Field and Default Value blank.

Supported Functions

QuickBooks payroll item expressions utilize the same expression parser as Custom Reports. As such the same functions are available. The list of functions is available at this article.

Available Variables

The following information is available 

client_name_in The name of the clock where this employee clocked in, if it exists
client_name_out The name of the clock where the employee clocked out if it exists
clock_in_note The clock in note provided
clock_out_note The clock out note
code_name The code associated with the event, such as "standardtime" or "overtime"
payrollEventType The type of event such as "Standardtime" or "Overtime"
customer_name The name of any customer associated with a job
duration The duration of the payroll event in seconds
empNum The employee's alternate number
eventLogID The unique database ID of the clock event pair
isHourly 1 if the employee is hourly, 0 if they are not
job_altNum The alternate number on the job worked
job_category The name of the category on the job worked
job_code The code of the job worked
job_ctrlNum The control number of the job worked
job_glNum The G.L. number of the job worked
job_longname The full name of the job worked
job_rate The billing rate associated with the job worked
job_shortname The shortened display name of the job worked
job_subCode The subcode of the job worked
job_overrideHourlyRate The overriding hourly rate of the job worked
job_overrideDifferential The hourly differential of the job worked
job_overrideMultiplier The rate multiplier of the job worked
occurs A unix timestamp that marks the beginning of this payroll event
orgUnit The name of the employee's Organizational Unit
pay_per_hour The total pay per hour for the event including differentials and overtime
payRate The hourly rate for the event including differentials but no overtime
reg_hourly_rate The employee's normal hourly rate
base_rate The FLSA weekly base hourly rate
SSN The employee's social security number
lastFirstMid The employee's name in Last First Middle format.
firstMidLast The employee's name in First Middle Last format 
userName The employee's name in whatever format was selected in the QuickBooks preset
payroll_type_name The name of the employee's pay history pay type, such as "Hourly" or "Salary, Exempty (Yearly)"
empType The name of the Empolyee's Payroll Type, set under Payroll -> Payroll Types.
type_code The code of the Employee's Payroll Type, set under Payroll -> Payroll Types.
usersID The unique database ID of the employee


  Example 1:  A pay type "Payroll Item for Unpaid OOTO:" should never be exported:

Set the expression to:  ="action_remove_this_row"

  Example 2: A pay type "Payroll Item for Holiday:" should be exported as "Holiday" on Monday-Friday, but "Weekend Holiday" on Saturday or Sunday:

Set the expression to: =if((utcdate("D",[adjTimeIn])="Sat" || utcdate("D",[adjTimeIn])="Sun"),"Weekend Holiday","Holiday")




Additional Available Variables For Piecework

The following additional information is available for piecework entries

piecework_name The name of the piecework
piecework_poNum The PO number of the piecework
piecework_glNum The GL number of the piecework
piecework_altNum The alternate number of the piecework
piecework_code The code of the piecework
piecework_subCode The subcode of the piecework
piecework_pieceworkCode The piecework code of the piecework
piecework_quantity The quantity of the piecework.  Note this is limited to 24 per Quickbooks.  If the quantity is larger, it will be split into multiple rows, with no more than 24 per row.
piecework_field-<your name>
The custom piecework field value. <your name> is the name of the piecework field.  If multiple fields are defined, all will be present.


  Example 1:  Piecework should be exported with the paycode "CustomerA" when the custom piecework field "Project" is set to "Project A".  If not, just use paycode "GeneralPiecework"

=if([piecework_field-Project]="Project A","CustomerA","GeneralPiecework")

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