Applies to versions: 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11
Restoring from a Local Backup
Local backups can be used to restore your TimeIPS data to a new (or replacement) TimeIPS system.
Security Level Required: System Administrator
To restore the backup:
- Save the backup file to your computer.
- Browse to the IP address of your TimeIPS system.
TIP: If you are not sure of the IP address for your TimeIPS system, and it is powered on, type the following on the small keypad to obtain the IP address of your TimeIPS system: +-00+- [ENTER].
- Accept the User's Agreement by clicking on the Restore from Backup button.
- Click on the Browse button and select the file you saved to your computer in step 1, then click on the Open button.
- In TimeIPS, click on the Restore from Local File button. TimeIPS will load the data from the backup file.
NOTE: TimeIPS creates an employee named "backup, backup" in the Employee Administration section and generates a random password for user access. You can log-in with the "backup" ID and password if you have forgotten your original username and password. Once logged in, adjust your username and password and/or delete the employee record for "backup, backup".
- For instructions on how to delete the user "backup, backup", see the article on Terminating/Rehiring Employees.