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Applies to versions: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

IPSDIV - Division

TimeIPS Divisions are designed for companies that own, operate, or provide staff to independent business units. Each Division module allows for the creation of an additional sub-company where virtually all the operations in TimeIPS are available, but the lists of employees, jobs, departments, etc. are totally separate.


The TimeIPS Division module provides the following features:

  • Each module provides a license for one additional TimeIPS division.
  • Additional modules can be purchased for large installations with many divisions.
  • Each division provides complete separation for employees, time worked, overtime rules, schedules, jobs, work-orders, departments, sites, clocks, etc.
  • Each division can use site-based functionality such as memberships, coverage and restrictions. Additional site licenses can be purchased and used in divisions, if needed.
  • Each clock can be assigned to a division and/or site belonging to the division, so that only employees belonging to the division can use the clock.
  • When used with telephone clocking, each telephone clocking unit can be assigned to a site of a division, so that only employees belonging to the division can use the phone number.
  • When used with remote clocking, a separate access URL can be provided for each division, and only employees belonging to the division can use the URL.
  • Employees in a division can be payroll or employee administrators, and can run payroll and reports, but only for employees belonging to the division.
  • Critical system settings (like network addresses and master configuration options) are only available to system administrators belonging to the top-level division.
  • Each division can be assigned one or more managers. When used with the IPSPRM permissions module, the role of the division manager can be completely customized.
  • Division managers can receive email alerts when new employees are added to a division.
  • Note: Because divisions are made for separate business units, employee transfers between divisions are treated as a lay-off from one division and a hire into another. Time worked, benefits earned, payroll processed, etc. for one division never carries over to a different division.


Note: Requires TimeIPS Version 1.8.62 or later




Find more details at the following links:

  • IPSDIV - Division Module™
  • IPSDIV - PDF DataSheet

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    "Intelligent Personnel System" "Run your Business. We'll watch the clock." are trademarks of TimeIPS, Inc.
    TimeIPS is protected by one or more patents. Patent No. US 7,114.684 B2.