Applies to versions: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
IPSEML - TimeIPS Email Automation
The TimeIPS Customizable Email, Email Automation and Email reminder module enhances email generation and content to better fit your needs and save time.
Email Customization includes:
- Ability to create templates for most email messages sent by the system.
- Customize email content to include additional instructions such as relevant company policy, a contact person for questions, or how to avoid getting future messages.
- Customizable subject and message body, with option to remove standard message body if needed.
Email Automation includes:
- Ability to run sign-off report and custom report (if IPSRPT module is installed) on an automated basis.
- Select report format, report parameters, date range to run.
- Specify one or more email recipients and an optional FTP upload of the generated report.
Email Reminders include:
- Ability configure reminders for a number of common situations including:
- On (or selectable days before) an employee's anniversary.
- On (or selectable days before) an employee's birthday.
- On a set day each year
- On a set day on a specific year
- When an employee's average weekly hours exceed a set amount, with a selectable number of weeks to include in the average.
- When an employee's average weekly hours are below a set amount, with a selectable number of weeks to include in the average.
- When an employee's total cumulative hours exceed a set amount.
- Each reminder can run for a single employee or a group of employees. In this context, "run for" means to consider these employees for when reminders should be sent. For example, on an anniversary date or birthday.
- Specify one or more email recipients for the email. This allows notification to go to a manager, empolyee, or several people who may need to see the alert.
- The content of each reminder can be completely customized using the email template system.
Note: Requires TimeIPS Version1.9.4 or later.
Find more details at the following link:
IPSEML - TimeIPS Email Automation Module™