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Applies to versions: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

IPSEML - TimeIPS Email Automation

The TimeIPS Customizable Email, Email Automation and Email reminder module enhances email generation and content to better fit your needs and save time.


Email Customization includes:

  • Ability to create templates for most email messages sent by the system.
  • Customize email content to include additional instructions such as relevant company policy, a contact person for questions, or how to avoid getting future messages.
  • Customizable subject and message body, with option to remove standard message body if needed.


Email Automation includes:

  • Ability to run sign-off report and custom report (if IPSRPT module is installed) on an automated basis.
  • Select report format, report parameters, date range to run.
  • Specify one or more email recipients and an optional FTP upload of the generated report.


Email Reminders include:

  • Ability configure reminders for a number of common situations including:
    • On (or selectable days before) an employee's anniversary.
    • On (or selectable days before) an employee's birthday.
    • On a set day each year
    • On a set day on a specific year
    • When an employee's average weekly hours exceed a set amount, with a selectable number of weeks to include in the average.
    • When an employee's average weekly hours are below a set amount, with a selectable number of weeks to include in the average.
    • When an employee's total cumulative hours exceed a set amount.
  • Each reminder can run for a single employee or a group of employees. In this context, "run for" means to consider these employees for when reminders should be sent. For example, on an anniversary date or birthday.
  • Specify one or more email recipients for the email. This allows notification to go to a manager, empolyee, or several people who may need to see the alert.
  • The content of each reminder can be completely customized using the email template system.


Note: Requires TimeIPS Version1.9.4 or later.




Find more details at the following link:

  • IPSEML - TimeIPS Email Automation Module™

  • ©2004-2023 TimeIPS, Inc. All Rights Reserved - TimeIPS and the TimeIPS logo are registered trademarks of TimeIPS, Inc.
    "Intelligent Personnel System" "Run your Business. We'll watch the clock." are trademarks of TimeIPS, Inc.
    TimeIPS is protected by one or more patents. Patent No. US 7,114.684 B2.