Applies to versions: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
IPSRPT - TimeIPS Custom Reporting
TimeIPS Custom Reporting includes
- Site Summary Report - A custom special report that allows data to be filled in on a spreadsheet template. Output is summarized by Site, with a separate page for each site. (Also requires at least one IPSSITE module). See support.timeips.com for more details.
- Custom Payroll Report - A special report that allows the custom payroll engine to be used on any selected dates, for any selected employees to generate custom reports. Supports custom fields, headers, summary, sorting, formatting, paycodes, stored templates and more. Supports standard ascii text files (csv). Also includes direct output to xls, pdf and html with colors, fonts, background control, merged cells and prioritized styles.
Note: Requires TimeIPS Version 1.6.22 or later. Some features require 1.11.23 or later
Find more details at the following links:
IPSRPT - TimeIPS Custom Reporting Module™
IPSRPT - PDF DataSheet