Variable | Description |
usersID |
Employee's internal ID number (use with utcdate function to format time into the Employee's time zone) |
nameFirst |
Employee's first name |
nameMid |
Employee's middle name |
nameLast |
Employee's last name |
Employee's badge number |
empNum |
Employee's Alternate number |
mgrNameFirst |
Employee's manger's first name |
mgrNameMid |
Employee's manager's middle name |
mgrNameLast |
Employee's manager's last name |
isActive |
Is the employee active as of the time the report was ran? 1 = active, 0 = Inactive, eligible for rehire, -1 = Inactive, not eligible for rehire |
addr1 |
Employee's Address line 1 |
addr2 |
Employee's Address line 2 |
city |
Employee's city |
state |
Employee's state |
zip |
Employee's zip code |
phoneExt |
Employee's phone extension |
homePhone |
Employee's home phone |
cellPhone |
Employee's cell phone |
payrollSyncStartDate |
Employee's hire date |
birthDay |
Employee's birthday |
username |
Employee's login username |
title |
Employee's title |
Employee's SSN or Gov ID |
status |
0=inactive, 1=active |
gender |
Employee's gender: M/F/null |
email1 |
Employee's first email address |
email2 |
Employee's second email address |
email3 |
Employee's third email address |
userDefaultDepartmentName |
Employee's default department |
userDefaultDepartmentCode |
Employee's default department's code |
e1Name |
Employee's emergency 1 Name |
e1Addr1 |
Employee's emergency 1 Address 1 |
e1Addr2 |
Employee's emergency 1 Address 2 |
e1City |
Employee's emergency 1 City |
e1State |
Employee's emergency 1 State |
e1Zip |
Employee's emergency 1 Zip |
e1Phone |
Employee's emergency 1 Phone |
e1Public |
Employee's emergency 1 Public viewable flag |
e2Name |
Employee's emergency 2 Name |
e2Addr1 |
Employee's emergency 2 Address 1 |
e2Addr2 |
Employee's emergency 2 Address 2 |
e2City |
Employee's emergency 2 City |
e2State |
Employee's emergency 2 State |
e2Zip |
Employee's emergency 2 Zip |
e2Phone |
Employee's emergency 2 Phone |
e2Public |
Employee's emergency 2 Public viewable flag |
flagIn |
Error on in, i.e. double punch |
flagOut |
Error on out |
clockNote |
Clock in note |
clockNoteOut |
Clock out note |
clock_in_out_note |
Clock in and clock out note together |
clientIn |
Name of clock where clock-in took place |
clientOut |
Name of clock where clock-out took place |
remoteIpIn |
IP address of computer used to clock-in (remote clock only) |
remoteIpOut |
IP address of computer used to clock-out (remote clock only) |
cidInNumber |
Caller ID of phone used to clock-in (telephone clock only) |
cidOutNumber |
Caller ID of phone used to clock-out (telephone clock only) |
cidInName |
Caller ID name of phone used to clock-in (telephone clock only) |
cidOutName |
Caller ID name of phone used to clock-out (telephone clock only) |
payableOnHoliday |
"Yes" if time occurs within a holiday, otherwise null |
siteLocationIn |
Clock location, including site name |
locationIn |
Clock location, without site name |
siteLocationOut |
Clock location of clock-out |
locationOut |
Clock location of clock-out, without site name |
payrollEventType |
Type of pay, i.e. Standardtime, Overtime, Sick, Paid Time Off, etc. |
payrollEventType_code_name |
Type of pay codename, i.e. standardtime, sick, paidtimeoff, etc. |
job_shortname |
Job short name |
job_longname |
Job long name |
job_description |
Job description |
job_ctrlNum |
Job control number |
job_glNum |
Job GL number |
job_code |
Job code |
job_subCode |
Job subcode |
job_altNum |
Job alternate number |
job_rate |
Job billing rate |
job_overrideHourlyRate |
Job override Hourly Rate |
job_overrideMultiplier |
Job override Multiplier |
job_overrideDifferential |
Job override Differential |
job_category |
Job category |
customer_name |
Customer name of job (not work order) |
defaultJob_shortname |
Employee's default job short name |
defaultJob_longname |
Employee's default job long name |
defaultJob_description |
Employee's default job description |
defaultJob_ctrlNum |
Employee's default job control number |
defaultJob_glNum |
Employee's default job GL number |
defaultJob_code |
Employee's default job code |
defaultJob_subCode |
Employee's default job subcode |
defaultJob_altNum |
Employee's default job alternate number |
defaultJob_rate |
Employee's default job billing rate |
defaultJjob_category |
Employee's default job category |
defaultJ_customer_name |
Customer name of employee's default job (not work order) |
workorder_name |
Workorder name |
workorder_code |
Workorder code |
workorder_poNum |
Workorder po number |
workorder_dateStart |
Workorder start date |
workorder_dateDue |
Workorder due date |
workorder_detail |
Workorder detail |
workorder_completion |
Workorder completion |
workorder_customer |
Workorder customer |
workorder_sequence |
Workorder Sequence Order |
adjTimeIn |
Paid time start (timestamp) - includes all edits, rounding, snapping, etc. |
adjTimeOut |
Paid time end (timestamp) - includes all edits, rounding, snapping, etc. |
timeIn |
Time in creation time (timestamp) - time the clock-in was actually created |
timeOut |
Time out creation time (timestamp) - time the clock-out was actually created |
realTimeIn |
Real time in (timestamp) - clock in time without edits, rounding or snapping |
realTimeOut |
Real time out (timestamp) - clock out time without edits, rounding or snapping |
realOrPaidTimeIn |
Will provide realTimeIn if it is not null. Otherwise it will provide the "occurs" variable |
realOrPaidTimeOut |
Will provide realTimeOut if it is not null. Otherwise it will provide "occurs + duration" |
realDuration |
Number of seconds between realTimeIn and realTimeOut if neither are null |
realOrPaidDuration |
Number of seconds between realOrPaidTimeIn and realOrPaidTimeOut |
occurs |
Payable time start (timestamp) - includes splits for day, type of pay change, etc.
endoccurs |
Payable time end (timestamp) - includes splits for day, type of pay change, etc. |
openEvent |
Status of the time event: Open time event (no clock out) is 1. A closed event (clock in and out) is 0. |
empType |
Payroll type |
paid_hourly_rate |
Regular rate as calculated for event |
ww_start |
Workweek start timestamp |
ww_end |
Workweek end timestamp |
ww_groupID |
The unique database ID of the employee's workweek group at the time of the event |
ww_groupName |
The name of the employee's workweek group at the time of the event |
paid |
0 for unpaid benefit types, otherwise 1 |
payroll_occurred |
Date marked as "payrolled" |
code_name |
Same as payrollEventType_code_name |
isHourly |
"Yes" if employee has an hourly rate, otherwise "No" |
flsa_exempt |
"Yes" or "No" |
duration |
Length of payroll event in seconds
sumDuration |
All worked time in seconds
benefitRequestNote |
Note attached to a benefit request |
benefitRequestDate |
Date of the creation for a benefit request |
benefitName |
Benifit type name ie "Sick", "Vacation", etc |
benefitSubclassName |
Benifit Subclass name |
benefitSubclassCode |
Benifit Subclass code |
benefitSubclassGlnum |
Benifit Subclass GL number |
benefitSubclassDescription |
Benifit Subclass Description |
benefitEventCreationDate |
Time a benefit event was either created or approved |
endTimestamp |
payroll report range end timestamp |
begTimestamp |
payroll report range beginning timestamp |
reg_hourly_rate |
Payable Hourly Rate (base, no modifiers) - Employee's Base Hourly Rate without any kind of differentials, overrides, overtime, etc. applied. |
yearly_rate |
Payable Salary Rate (base, no modifiers) - Employee's Base Salary Rate without any kind of differentials, overrides, overtime, etc. applied. *Requires a time event in the system for the user. |
payRate |
Payable Hourly Rate (diff/override) - Employee's Base Hourly Rate, plus any differentials or overrides, but no OT/DT/PT. |
pay_per_hour |
Payable Hourly Rate (diff/override and OT/DT/PT) - Employee's Base Hourly Rate plus any differentials or overrides, multiplied by OT/DT/PT multipliers, if applicable. For FLSA compliance, when in OT/DT/PT, this amount is at least the Payable FLSA Weekly Base Hourly Rate times the OT/DT/PT multiplier. |
base_rate |
Payable FLSA Weekly Base Hourly Rate - FLSA Weekly Base Hourly Rate used to figure OT/DT minimums for the entire week. |
net_pay |
Total net dollar amount pay for event |
hourly_rate |
Override rate (can be null) |
hourly_differential |
Override differential (can be null) |
rate_multiplier |
Override rate multiplier (can be null) |
payroll_event_type_name |
Override pay type name, i.e. Overtime, Sick, etc. (can be null) |
counts_toward_overtime |
Override counts-toward-overtime (can be null) |
event_note |
Payroll engine notes on splits, benefits and misc (can be null) |
event_note_pay |
Payroll engine notes on pay and overtime (can be null) |
holiday_name |
Holiday Name, only set for actual holiday hours (can be null) |
holiday_day_name |
Holiday Name, set for holiday hours and any work on holiday (can be null) |
payCode |
Pay code from pay codes table |
presetName |
Name of the report preset
shift_name |
The name of the shift worked
shift_payCode |
The pay code of the shift worked
shift_shiftCode |
The code of the shift worked
shift_status |
The status of the shift worked
shift_note |
The note of the shift worked
shift_description |
The description of the shift worked
shiftDifferential_name |
The name of the shift differential, if it applies
shiftDifferential_code |
The code of the shift differential, if it applies
division_code |
The payroll code set for the division |
The burdened rate for the employee (requires IPSBRD module)
AllocationCode <your code name> code |
The Code of the specified allocation code |
AllocationCode <your code name> amount
The Amount of the specified allocation code |
AllocationCode <your code name> note
The Note of the specified allocation code |
piecework_name |
Piecework name |
piecework_poNum |
Piecework PO number
piecework_subCode |
Piecework subCode
piecework_glNum |
Piecework GL nuber
piecework_description |
Piecework description
piecework_code |
Piecework code
piecework_altNum |
Piecework alternate number
piecework_note |
Piecework note
piecework_quantity |
Piecework quantity completed
piecework_includeInEffectiveWage |
Piecework option to include in FLSA calculations
piecework_payTimePerUnit |
Piecework pay in units of time per unit completed
piecework_payRateMultiplierPerUnit |
Piecework pay multiplier per unit completed
piecework_payPerUnit |
Piecework pay per unit completed
piecework_field-<your field name> |
The value of the piecework field for the event. <your field name> is all lower case with spaces removed |
deptCode |
Department code on the time event |
departmentName |
Department name on the time event |
custom_<your field name> |
The value of the custom employee field. <your field name> is all lower case with spaces removed, mating your custom field name. |
parameter_<number> |
The value of the custom report parameter, by number, starting with 1. When parameters are configured, there is a prompt to enter a value before running the report. That value is available in this variable. |
dateformat |
A date format string for use with the "utcdate" function. The format is controlled on the General tab |
timeformat |
A time format string for use with the "utcdate" function. The format is controlled on the General tab |