Date printed: 03-06-2025   Last updated: 05-15-2020

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Applies to versions: 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

Adjusting Time/Date Settings

TimeIPS synchronizes its time with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server or, if an Internet connection is not available, by its own hardware clock.


Using the left pane Main Menu » Administration, click on: System » System Settings



Time Synchronization

WARNING: Changing your time by restarting the NTP or manually adjusting the time may affect past time events, as well as time worked for currently clocked in employees. Ensure that all employee's are clocked out before adjusting the time to maintain the integrity of employee's time worked.




If you do NOT have an active "always on" Internet Connection or you are setting the time and date for the first time:

  1. Deselect the Use NTP for Time Sync option and adjust the time and date appropriately.
  2. Click on the Apply Changes button to save the changes.
  3. Once the page refreshes, click on the Restart NTP Service button to restart the system, synchronizing the hardware clock with the software.
  4. NOTE: TimeIPS stores time on a battery clock when it is without power. The battery clock's time is reset to the TimeIPS system time during reboot. Therefore, Restart NTP Service after adjusting the Time Settings.

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"Intelligent Personnel System" "Run your Business. We'll watch the clock." are trademarks of TimeIPS, Inc.
TimeIPS is protected by one or more patents. Patent No. US 7,114.684 B2.