Date printed: 10-22-2024   Last updated: 08-09-2007

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Applies to versions: 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2

IPSHOTSCH - Hot Schedules Integration

The Hot Schedules Integration Module (IPSHOTSCH) synchronizes employee's start times into their TimeIPS employee schedule for use with email deviation alerts and MyTimeIPS - My Schedule view.




Using the left pane Main Menu » Administration, click on: Schedules » Import/Export

Click on the icon

TIP: The Last Synchronization displays at the top of the page.



Initial Configuration


  1. Enter your Hot Schedules Client ID and Store ID provided with your Hot Schedules Company Account and enter the following TimeIPS Schedule Configuration settings:
    • Select the employee data to match TimeIPS and Hot Schedules employee records in the Match Employees By. You may match them by First and Last Name, TimeIPS ID/Badge Number, TimeIPS Alternate ID number.

    • Enter the number of minutes between each synchronization in the Synchronize Every field. TimeIPS will automatically pull employee's scheduled start times for the week at this defined interval.

    • Enter the the total minutes allowed before and after the scheduled clock in times in the Allowable Minutes Before and Allowable Minutes After fields. The employee's start time and these values will populate the employee's TimeIPS schedule.

    • Checkmark E-Mail Schedule Violations to generate an e-mail notification when the employee clocks in outside of the specified range of minutes around their scheduled start time or if they do not clock in when they are scheduled.

    • Checkmark Deny Early Clock-In to prevent the employee from clocking in to TimeIPS the specified number of minutes before the scheduled start time.


  3. Click on the Save Settings button.


  5. Click on the Synchronize Now button to perform an immediate synchronization.

    NOTE: Schedules will synchronize if ALL employees match. If one match is not found, correct the problem and synchronize again.


Additional Information


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