Date printed: 05-02-2024   Last updated: 08-14-2007

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Applies to versions: 1.5, 1.6

Exporting the Extended Employee/Job Report

The Extended Employee/Job Report includes a detailed listing of every clocked event for every employee as well as all job entry logs, both flexible and validated. The following steps will walk you through exporting the report and adding the total time worked per employee.

Security Level Required: Manager, Employee Administrator or Payroll Administrator

Using the left pane Main Menu, click on: Administration » Payroll and Reports » Time Edit/Report

    NOTE: If you wish to see raw times that include seconds select the EEJR Setup button at the top right hand corner and choose the tick box "Show raw times". The preset options do not serve a purpose at this time however may be used in a future release of TimeIPS

  1. Run the Time Report with Extended Employee/Job Report selected in the Criteria pull-down and Spreadsheet (CSV) selected in the Select Format pull-down.
  2. Click on the Export Report button.

  3. NOTE: Your screen may look different, depending on your computer's operating system.

  4. Select to Save the file to disk and save it in an easy-to-find location such as your desktop.

  5. Double-click on the file to open the saved Extended Employee/Job report file.

    Opened Report

    NOTE: If a column is not wide enough, designated in numeric columns with "######", click and drag the column's right margin to extend it.

Adding Subtotals for Time Worked

Using Excel's subtotal function, you can add subtotals for time worked for each employee.

  1. Export the Extended Employee Job Report and open it in Excel (see steps above).
  2. Click into cell A6 which is the first column header.

  3. Selected Rows in the Report

  4. Go to the Data menu - Subtotals option and select the following options:

  5. NOTE: Excel should recognize the field header and automatically select all data records. If not, cancel from the Subtotal screen and start with step 2.

  6. Click on the OK button. Excel will add subtotals of hours worked per employee.

TIP: You can hide columns you do not wish to view. Click on the column header to highlight the entire column then right-click on the column header and choose the "Hide" option.

TIP: You can move columns of information to a different area on the spreadsheet. Click on the column header to highlight the entire column then right-click on the column header and choose the "Cut" option. Click on the column header you want to insert the column in front of. Right-click and select the "Insert Cut Cells" option.

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TimeIPS is protected by one or more patents. Patent No. US 7,114.684 B2.