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Applies to versions: 1.8

TimeIPS What's New - Version 1.8

TimeIPS is continually developed and improved with new features and enhancements. Below is an overview of the newest features and enhancements available with TimeIPS Version 1.8.

TIP: The features and enhancements included in the most recent release of TimeIPS are indicated throughout the knowledge base with the icon.

NOTE: Features that may require an additional module or hardware device are indicated with the icon.

Minor version updates to the major version of TimeIPS you are currently running (i.e. version 1.8) are always available. Simply make sure that Automatic Updates checkbox is checked and you will receive regular automatic minor version updates. In some cases, the latest minor version releases are rolled-out in phases. If you'd like to get a minor version update before your roll-out phase, please contact TimeIPS technical support.

New Features in TimeIPS version 1.8

  • Support for additional customization of the user interface, including customizable help page, renaming of menu items and page titles.
  • Dynamic menu system allowing options that cannot be used by employees to be hidden from view.
  • Support for automatic email reports (via IPSEML module).
  • Improved Company Documents with ability configure per Division (requires IPSDIV license).
  • Support for job coverage schedules with alerts and reporting for too many/few employees in a job (requires IPSJOB module).
  • Support for custom employee restrictions on Jobs (requires IPSJOB module).
  • Ability to restrict remote clocking to a white-list of IP addresses (requires IPSREM license).
  • Ability to override pay type (standard time, overtime, doubletime, benefit time), and select if time will count toward weekly overtime levels. Can be set per time event, or per job. (requires IPSOTO module).
  • Improved, customizable time/edit reports with selectable columns.
  • Support for advanced scheduling (via IPSASH module).
  • Enhanced Holiday system with many new options including observance and qualification rules.
  • Simplified and improved shift differential system, especially useful when also using jobs with differentials (via IPSSFT module).
  • New options for benefits including minimum level enforcement, incremental use enforcement, subclasses and reminders (via IPSBEN module).
  • New piecework tracking system to simplify pay for units completed, tips, bonuses, etc. (via IPSPWT module).
  • New advanced backup options sysstem for additional control over backup timing, options and servers. (via IPSABO module).

Improvements in TimeIPS version 1.8


  • New internal messaging system option can be used instead of (or in addition to) standard email.
  • Email alerts for an employee can be configured to send to other employees (such as managers) using their default address.
  • Improved user interface on Automatic Time Adjustments to speed review, entry, editing and copying of settings.
  • Improved visibility on bar graphs in Time Edit/Report summary mode
  • Improved user interface on advanced schedules including ability to name each advanced schedule rule
  • New options for blocking autoclocking when any benefit and/or holiday time applies on the day
  • Payroll Tool added under employee administration to quickly view pending payrolls that include the employee
  • Revision tracking added to custom report/payroll presets with ability to restore historical versions
  • Benefits ledger now shows future (not yet used) benefit use, if scheduled
  • Added support for AmCheck and IOI payroll Export (requires IPSEPI module)
  • Improved performance on timesheet approval generation with large numbers of employees
  • Added workorder PDF mode to show two columns of workorder-jobs without notes to save paper when notes are not needed
  • Added option to set a per-division payroll code
  • New layout and selection options when printing job and work order barcodes
  • Overtime policies now include an option to reduce weekly requirements when daily or forced overtime occurs
  • Added a Daily Hours by schedule week widget
  • New configuration option to include internal and/or external URLs in links provided by system email messages
  • Custom report/payroll expressions extended with new findIn and findOut functions that can locate in/out events in selectable sequence
  • Added payroll type code for use in custom payroll/reports
  • Site Summary report now allows a unique template for each division
  • When printing job and work order labels, a new sort option is available to allow sorting by a field other than name
  • New Break Violation Report under Special Reports lists employees who have not had a sufficient break in a configurable number of hours
  • Employees without permission to access My Settings now don't see the option on the menu at all
  • Added support for import/exort of site IP addresses
  • When releasing an empolyee, a new pop-up checks for and warns if there are any future-dated benefit, work or piecework allocated to the employee.
  • New Benefits report provides quick view of accruals, use and available levels in a selected time range.
  • Time Edit/Report now allows creating and managing report presets for quick access to commonly used time ranges, empolyees, jobs, filters, etc.
  • Improved processing speed for custom reporting when running without full-access permissions
  • New permission items to control which employees show on the directory, who can view and modify status on the directory, and who can see last clock times on the directory.
  • Improved permission controls in special reports and directory
  • When creating a new division, the division now gets a standard set of default holidays
  • Added ability to use jobs with differentials and shifts with differentials at the same time
  • Improved inline help system with system default and per-employee visibility options
  • Benefit requests can have all parameters including subclass edited by a manager prior to approval and benefits log allows editing subclass
  • New permissions items for Shift Differentials and Shift Membership in addition to Shifts
  • Customizable error messages when login fails due to incorrect name/password, correct name/password but wrong division, and correct name/password but not login permission
  • Improved audit for job pay rate history and employee-job-pay-rate history
  • Added support for Shift Differential codes in ADP export
  • New option for End Of Week mailer to not send when there is no worked time
  • Improved access log filters and sorting
  • Added support for Global, Division and Personal custom report/payroll presets
  • When using https with ssl certificates, redirect to the URL of the division to ensure hostname matches certificate when accessing by non-FQDN aliases
  • Additional information shown on tardy report by schedule, including pop-up details by hovering over tardy/absent/schedule text
  • New simplified piecework tracking and pay with IPSPWT module.
  • Option to perform employee, schedule and benefit data exports for customizable groups.
  • New IPSABO advanced backup options module allows backups at scheduled times to FTP, SFTP and/or email accounts with individually configurable media options, size limits and alerts.
  • Improved options for division managers, including multiple managers per division and managers in their own division.
  • Employee selection lists now have a new search-as-you-type option to quickly find employees from long lists.
  • Time Edit now includes per-time-event tabs for quick view of additional information including job, biometrics, notes, and custom fields
  • New auto-refresh, full-screen option for the company directory in status view
  • Worked-months report now includes a grand total column to quickly see total hours worked for the entire report range
  • Improved page load times when using IE.
  • Added support for work orders in the Sign Off Report.
  • Improved barcode readability on printers producing extremely fine lines.
  • Allow importing of schedules in the "horizontal" layout
  • Custom reports now support chaining and looping per employee, optional rows for schedule deviations and an option to not break time that crosses calendar days
  • New manual holiday interface to quickly generate holidays without automatic rules
  • New Employee Summary special report showing breakdown of work by job and average work time statistics
  • Employee and Job allocations (requires IPSBRD burdened rate module) allow tracking percentages of employee's worked and/or benefit time against multiple cost/GL codes.
  • Job Reassignment allows work done on a job to be reassigned to another employee (requires IPSJOB) to allow employees to cover time for each-other
  • Benefits area contains new Benefits Ledger tab to quickly view historical activitiy and the resulting historical balance
  • New backup option for additional compression to reduce size (backup creation time is somewhat longer with this option)
  • Added support for Paragon 9.1 compatible payroll export (Requires IPSEPI)
  • New grouping for field selections in custom payroll/reports to simplify configuration.
  • Custom Payroll and Reports allow expressions for summarized rows and subtotal rows to allow post-process calculations and logic
  • Improved feedback and error checking on expressions used in custom reports and payroll
  • Employee Biometric settings moved into Employee management table for easier management and access
  • Sites no longer require a manager and can be created without selecting one
  • Support for exporting zero-duration events in payroll, custom reports and sign-off report. This allows reporting data stored in note fields when there is no worked time
  • IPSSEC Security Module now provides a csr (certificate signing request ) so self-signed certificates can be upgraded to signed certificates by using a CA (certificate authority)
  • IPSSEC Security module now allows uploading CA certificate chains to support lower-cost SSL providers
  • Added 36 second (1/100th hour) and 3 minute (1/20th hour) rounding options
  • New columns in Time/Edit to allow direct editing of in/out times, in/out notes and duration without viewing clock event details
  • Tardy report now also includes a numeric total number of tardies per day and per person
  • Configurable option by division and by employee to set default view for timesheet approvals to the current completed period or the current incomplete period.
  • Added per-division config for new employee defaults including Payroll Type, Workweek Group, Accrual Group and Schedule Group.
  • Expand emergency state fields to 16 characters
  • Advanced options in Time Edit/Report to view time grouped by selectable timeframe such as day, week, etc.
  • Extended import/export and IAPI to cover additional configuration options including site jobs, site clocks, clocks and divisions.
  • Added support for job import by job code in addition to job name
  • Added column in Employee Management to see number of biometric templates
  • Improved holiday management, including removal and recalculation of holiday events after settings changes
  • Added employee setting to control default display of on-page help
  • Allow benefits requested in locked payroll periods to be approved if the pay date is set for a date in a future pay period. Show date of benefit use on benefits calendar, regardless of pay date.
  • New Horizontal Daily schedule import/export format with one column per day.
  • Updated auditing system with additional detail and easier-to-read logging.
  • New Time/Edit selection system for jobs and work orders to allow running job and/or work order reports for groups of employees. New option to view Time/Edit report for an employee's default job.
  • Add support for in-note and out-note to batch time import.
  • One-step option, when editing an individual time event, to split the event or insert a break.
  • Improve handling of additional parameters, such as custom clocking fields and pay options when inserting or deleting single punches.
  • Additional "real" time tracked for each punch, in addition to the creation time and paid time. Real time allows accurate tracking of employee arrival/departure times when time is being entered by hand --and-- rounding or other adjustments need to be applied.
  • Custom reporting/payroll expressions can load employee's schedule for the day, allowing custom reports that show actual and scheduled time, mark tardy time, etc.
  • Employee imports can clear individual fields with keyword "NULL" to allow selective clearing of employee fields without using the global import option to clear blank fields
  • Custom clocking fields and work order completion added to Time/Edit report preset selectable fields
  • Allow changing from one work order to another, doing the same job in each work order, without clocking out and back in.
  • Division/Company wide option to have employee passwords expire. Logging in with an expired password will force the employee to pick a new password.
  • Updated Audit report with ability to run for single or groups of employees, for audits made by, or on, and restricted to source of audits and type of data changed by audit.
  • Support for 4-4-5 week payroll timing.
  • Option to split benefit request and use into 8 hour weekdays, or by employee schedule.
  • Improved object size scaling when printing employee badges with multiple images and barcodes.
  • Employee directory emails can be clicked to open a new email
  • Added Sign-off report option to include or exclude unpaid benefit time
  • Enhanced holiday system with
    • Holiday Groups that allow arbitrary employee membership to holidays and holiday rules
    • Holiday Observances that allow creating a single template for holiday dates for each holiday group
    • Expanded configuration for each holiday for each group, including completely customizable observance hours and paid hours, more pro-rate rules, additional adjacent day options, and full control of pay type and pay differentials for work done on the holiday.
    • For each employee, individual holidays can be approved or denied, and can have the observance range and paid hours adjusted as needed.
  • API support for viewing benefit requests and approving or denying benefit requests (Requires IPSSAPI and IPSAPP)
  • Custom reporting and payroll extended with additional data fields, and now has the ability to generate reports with multiple segments with different columns and data by appending multiple presets into a single report.
  • Added option to set an employee's benefit approval options, including email alerts, as a default for new employees.
  • Added option to show schedule notes in My Schedule, and to import/export schedule notes.
  • Selectable employee import key to allow updating employee names, and support multiple employees with identical names.
  • New columns added to Time Edit reports, including more job details, more workorder details, more employee details and more time formats.
  • Improved Benefit Log viewer with ability to restrict view to selected benefit types, restrict to accruals or uses, convenient pagination for employees with extended history, export to csv and sortable columns.
  • Extended employee import and IAPI to allow setting accrual group membership and changing accrual group membership dates (current or future, not retroactive).
  • Allow any start and stop date (rather than simply selecting a week) for Tardy Report, Absentee Report, Tardy Report by Schedule and Missing Clockout Report.
  • New configuration options for telephone clocking devices to facilitate installation over a VPN or other remote network.
  • Preset options for individuals, divisions and system-wide, for example, in time edit.
  • Option for benefit reminder emails to go to employee pre-configured email addresses.
  • Improved Employee Reportcard handling of absences when worked time crosses or spans days
  • Workweeks now calculate for employees in the time zone of the workweek, rather than the timezone of the employee. This allows consistent FLSA 168-hour workweeks even when employees are in DST time zones.
  • Time edit improvements including:
    • A separate report configuration page with the ability to set default report mode
    • Customizable data columns, and saved report formats
    • Improved indications of clock errors, notes and audits
    • Many more time range selection options including two week periods and pay periods
    • Separate job and work-order report modes
    • Pagination for large result sets
    • Sortable columns
  • Extended the permission system to allow customizable groups of employees to be used as permission targets. Useful, for example, when an individual has special permissions over multiple (but not all) departments, sites, etc. (Requires IPSPRM module).
  • Improvements to My Work History to allow sorting the table, entering and editing notes.
  • Added context-aware permissions-based filtering of employee drop-down lists in many areas, including benefits.
  • Added ability to override pay-type, counts-toward-overtime overrides, and pay as benefit time without deducting from benefit totals. Option to set per time event or per job. (Requires IPSOTO module).
  • Upgraded payroll engine logging to facilitate identification of overtime/doubletime based on special rules including new IPSOTO overrides.
  • Added ability to unlock individual completed payroll periods.
  • Improved custom payroll/report (requires IPSRPT, IPSEPC or IPSEPI).
    • Expressions input area expanded to handle large and complex expressions
    • Ability to clear fields where the data is duplicated from the row above for easier-to-read reports
    • Ability to remove entire rows from the report, if the report should only include (or should exclude) work on certain things, such as jobs, customers, work orders, overtime, holidays, etc.
    • New fields including the ability to export the name of the report being run, work order job budgeted time and the holiday for any time worked on a holiday
    • New report templates including examples of extended pay details and expressions
  • Added shift identifier support to ADP PayExpert export.
  • Additional fields added to jobs for tracking and classifying.
  • Separate view permission for Timecards. For example, to allow managers to see but not approve employee's time.
  • Provision for a per-user persistent default for payroll export format.
  • Added new permission target for employees in the same payroll type.
  • Reorganized some menu items into more logical locations.
  • Show dates that benefits were requested, in addition to the actual requested date.
  • Improved Work Order report configuration and selection options
  • Added budgeted time per Work Order Job.
  • Option to automatically view all managed employees in timecard approvals.
  • Option for full-access users to login as any other user without exposing their password.
  • Display of job in addition to worked time on timesheet approvals.
  • Enhanced group clocking now supports job changes, work orders and remote clocking fields.
  • Employee status can now be any custom value, up to 64 characters.
  • Advanced Scheduling support for complex rules with conditions and actions (via IPSASH module).
  • New option for duration rounding in addition to time in/out rounding.
  • Support for custom data lookups with import/export and access via expressions in custom report/payroll.
  • Separate permission item for viewing Approved Benefits to allow employees to see other employee's approved time off on the benefits calendar.
  • Option to show management dashboard on main page with selectable lists including employees working, absent/tardy employees, timecards/benefits needing approval, etc.
  • Support for alternate barcode schemes for work orders, jobs and notes.
  • Improvements to schedules and schedule by hour report for 3rd shift employees.
  • Improved rendering and navigation on Time Sheet approvals calendar.
  • Additional settings in benefit accruals to control minimum levels and use increments.
  • Added support for benefits import in vertical file layout format.
  • Improved benefit request and use pages allow quick entry of multiple benefit uses at one time.
  • New benefit subclasses available for all benefit accrual types, used for tracking and accounting.
  • Additional string processing functions including field extraction added to custom payroll/reports.
  • Support for additional customization of the user interface, including customizable help page, renaming of menu items and page titles. 
  • Dynamic menu system allowing options that cannot be used by employees to be hidden from view. 
  • Support for automatic email reports (via IPSEML module). 
  • Improved Company Documents with ability configure per Division (requires IPSDIV license). 
  • Support for job coverage schedules with alerts and reporting for too many/few employees in a job (requires IPSJOB module). 
  • Support for custom employee restrictions on Jobs (requires IPSJOB module). 
  • Ability to restrict remote clocking to a white-list of IP addresses (requires IPSREM license). 
  • Extend job names to 36 characters 
  • Add option to prompt for a numeric clock note when telephone clocking 
  • Updated Time / Edit report with many improvements including simplified interface, faster load times, sortable columns and selectable start-of-day time. 
  • Jobs have new option to allow them to be active, but not allow employees to clock into them
  • Improved time/edit reporting, including selectable time-of-day, selectable data columns and for work orders, payroll status,unadjusted times, job and workorder fields and more.
  • Allow fractional hours in weekly scheduled hours field. i.e. Allow employees to be scheduled for 41.125 hours for a week
  • Additional presets for custom payroll and reporting engine
  • Custom payroll/reporting presets can be set per division, and run globally for top-level management
  • Extended scheduling to support automatic clocking/job changes into work-order jobs
  • Employees can be set for a default work-order and/or job
  • Benefits import support for badge number as unique identifier to disambiguate identical names

See Also:
1.6 to 1.8 Migration Guide (1.8)

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"Intelligent Personnel System" "Run your Business. We'll watch the clock." are trademarks of TimeIPS, Inc.
TimeIPS is protected by one or more patents. Patent No. US 7,114.684 B2.