Date printed: 09-20-2024   Last updated: 11-25-2013

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Applies to versions: 2.0, 2.1

Clock Configuration

Clock Configuration allows viewing and managing of the clocks associated with your system. These are the clocks that are used to clock in or out.


Using the left pane Main Menu » Administration, click on: Clocking » Clock Configuration

Click on the + (plus) sign to the left of the Clock Name to view its settings.



Clock Configuration



Clock Configuration


"Do Not Prompt (Accepts Smart Clocking)" is the most commonly used Department Prompting Method. Although it is really the only option compatible with the Smart Clocking Actions, here is a table of the 9 different combinations and their outcomes.

Department Promting Method Smart Clocking Action Employee's action at the clock Result
Text Input Use Department Prompting Method or Employee's Default

Employee types in his badge number. He is then prompted to enter his department code. 1. He enters the code correctly.

2. He enters the code incorrectly.

3. He does not enter a code, but instead just hits enter.

1. He is clocked in to that department.

2. Clock will prompt again to enter a department code.

3. He is clocked in with NO department specified.

Text Input Always Use Employee's Default

1. Employee with a default dept assigned enters his badge number.

2. Employee with NO default dept assigned enters his badge number.

1. He is automatically clocked in to his Default Dept without being prompted to enter a dept code.

2. He is clocked in with NO dept without being prompted to enter a dept code.

Text Input Always Use Clock's Default Employee types in his badge number.

He is automatically clocked in to the Clock's Default Dept without being prompted to enter a dept code.

Select From List Use Department Prompting Method or Employee's Default Employee types in his badge number. 

He is presented with a list that includes: None, Emp. Default, Clock Default, and all the Associated Departments (In this case: 1 Meat, 2 Produce, 3 Dairy.)

What ever he selects, he is clocked in with.

Select From List Always Use Employee's Default Employee types in his badge number. He is automatically clocked in to his Default Dept without being prompted to select from a list.
Select From List Always Use Clock's Default Employee types in his badge number. He is automatically clocked in to the Clock's Default Dept without being prompted to select from a list.
Do Not Prompt (Accepts Smart Clocking) Use Department Prompting Method or Employee's Default

1. Employee with a default dept assigned enters his badge number.

2. Employee with NO default dept assigned enters his badge number.

3. Employee enters a dept code, the delimiter, and his badge number.

1. He is automatically clocked in to his Default Dept.

2. He is clocked in with NO dept.

3. He is clocked in to that department.

Do Not Prompt (Accepts Smart Clocking) Always Use Employee's Default

1. Employee types in his badge number.

2. Employee enters a dept code, the delimiter, and his badge number.

1 & 2. He is automatically clocked in to his Default Dept or NO dept if he does not have a default dept assigned.

Do Not Prompt (Accepts Smart Clocking) Always Use Clock's Default

1. Employee types in his badge number.

2. Employee enters a dept code, the delimiter, and his badge number.

1 & 2. He is automatically clocked in to the Clock's Default Dept.







Clock Configuration



Clock Configuration



Clock Configuration



Clock Configuration



Clock Configuration



Clock Configuration

Text Input

See Also:
Global Clock Settings (2.0, 2.1)

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"Intelligent Personnel System" "Run your Business. We'll watch the clock." are trademarks of TimeIPS, Inc.
TimeIPS is protected by one or more patents. Patent No. US 7,114.684 B2.