Date printed: 10-22-2024   Last updated: 11-27-2013

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Applies to versions: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

TimeIPS Telephone Clocking System

Using the TimeIPS Telephone Clocking system, employees can clock in/out, record a clock note, check current status, and listen to messages. Employers can allow or deny access to status checks and messages as well as to the clock in/out feature by Caller ID. Employers can also require PIN numbers for employee identification.

NOTE: Telephone clocking is only available with the purchase of a TimeIPS VoIP device. Contact your TimeIPS sales representive for more details.



Using the left pane Main Menu » Administration, click on: Clocking » Telephone Clocking




Initial Configuration


Initial configuration requires Internet access to If you have difficulty performing the initial configuration, please ensure that your firewall and/or content filters allow access to our update server.

Tip: Use the IPSVOIP TimeIPS Telephone Remote Clocking guide included with your device to install and configure the device on your network.







Manually Setting a Static IP Address

When configuring a VoIP device it is easiest to set its IP address through the web interface as shown above. For some network configurations, such as networks that only allow static addresses, this is not an option as the device must first be on the network to communicate with TimeIPS. In this case, it might be necessary to manually set a static IP address for the device using an attached analog phone.

  1. Connect an analog phone to the jack labeled Phone on the VOIP box. Ensure that the network cable is NOT connected.
  2. Pick up the phone and Dial ****. You will hear a voice that asks for you to enter an option.
  3. NOTE: If you would like to Restore to Factory Default: Enter 73738#. You will then be told to hang up. You will need to dial **** again to re-enter the configuration menu.
  4. Enter 101#. It will then ask you to enter a value.
  5. Enter 1#. It will then say "To save press 1."
  6. Press 1 to save. This will take you back to the configuration menu.
  7. Enter 111#. It will then ask you to enter a value followed by the pound key.
  8. This is where you will enter the IP you wish the VOIP device to use.
  9. NOTE: Use * for dots. Example 192*168*1*101.
  10. After you enter the IP address, press #. To save press 1.
  11. Enter 121#. It will then ask you to enter a value followed by the pound key.
  12. This is where you will enter the subnet mask you wish the VOIP device to use.
  13. NOTE: Use * for dots. Example 255*255*255*0.
  14. After you enter the netmask, press #. To save press 1.
  15. Enter 131#. It will then ask you to enter a value followed by the pound key.
  16. This is where you will enter the default gateway you wish the VOIP device to use.
  17. NOTE: Use * for dots. Example 192*168*1*1.
  18. After you enter the gateway, press #. To save press 1.
  19. Hang up the phone. You may need to give the system a couple of minutes to restart.




Division Settings


PIN Requirement

  1. Select the PIN Requirement using the drop down list..

    • Do not validate PIN numbers for any employee: A PIN number will not be required when accessing the TimeIPS Telephone Clocking system.
    • Validate PIN numbers for all employees: A PIN number will be required for all employees when accessing the TimeIPS Telephone Clocking system.
    • Validate PIN numbers for employees with "Require PIN" set: A PIN number will be required for employees with "Require PIN" selected in the employee's record on the Employee Administration page.
      NOTE: The employee's "PIN Number", "Require PIN" check-box, and "Force Re-Registration" check-box are stored on the employee's Personal tab of the Employee Administration page.

  2. Select the minimum PIN Length using the pull-down.
  3. Click on the Save Row button.


Server External Address for VoIP Hardware

When TimeIPS and the VoIP device are on the same network, this option is unnecessary. If the VoIP device is on a separate network, you will need to provide the public IP address of your TimeIPS server. This tells the VoIP device how to properly communicate back to TimeIPS when phone calls arrive.

Access Restrictions

Under Access Restrictions, you can control which phone numbers will be granted access when calling your TimeIPS Telephone Clocking system. 


  1. Select the Access Restriction method using the pull-down.

    • Do not restrict access by Caller ID: All phone numbers will be able to call the TimeIPS Telephone Clocking System to check status and get messages.
    • Do not restrict access, but record Caller ID: All phone numbers will be able to call the TimeIPS Telephone Clocking System and the Caller ID will be recorded in the Caller ID Logging section.
      NOTE: You do not need to list phone numbers you wish to be logged. When this option is selected, the caller ID from all incoming calls will be logged.
    • Deny access to the following Caller IDs (blacklist): All listed Caller ID names/numbers will be denied access to the TimeIPS Telephone Clocking system.
    • Only allow access to the following Caller IDs (whitelist): Only listed Caller ID names/numbers will be allowed to access the TimeIPS Telephone Clocking system.

  2. If creating a Whitelist or Blacklist to restrict caller access, the option to Add New entries will appear.
  3. Under Add New Restriction Entry, click the "Add New" button.


  5. In the Caller ID field, enter the name or number exactly as it appears in the call log.
  6. (OPTIONAL) Add a brief Note to help identify the Caller ID.
  7. Click "Add New" to save.
  8. All restricted Caller IDs appear in the list below. This list also records their last call-in and provides deletion of the entry. Just click the red X and confirm deletion.


TIP: If you will be creating a "Whitelist" or a "Blacklist" but are unsure of the Caller IDs, you can temporarily set the Access Restrictions to "Do not restrict access, but record Caller ID" and set the Clock In/Out Restrictions to "Only allow the following Caller IDs to clock". Then, have each of the authorized phones call in. The TimeIPS Telephone Clocking system will answer their call and record their Caller ID in the Caller ID Logging but will not allow them to clock. You can then generate your "Whitelist" or "Blacklist" and adjust the restriction levels accordingly.




Clocking Restrictions

Clocking Restrictions operate similiarly to Access Restrictions, but do not block complete access. Under Clocking Restrictions, you can control which phone numbers will be allowed to access your TimeIPS Telephone Clocking system, but are not allowed to clock in or out. These restricted numbers would still be able to check their status and listen to messages from their managers.


  1. Select the Clock In/Out Restriction method using the pull-down.

    • Do not allow the following Caller IDs to clock (blacklist): All listed Caller ID names/numbers will not be allowed to clock in/out from the TimeIPS Telephone Clocking system but will be able to check status and listen to messages.
    • Only allow the following Caller IDs to clock (whitelist): Only listed Caller ID names/numbers will be allowed to clock in/out from the TimeIPS Telephone Clocking system, check status, and listen to messages.

  2. Under Add New Restriction Entry, click the "Add New" button.


  4. In the Caller ID field, enter the name or number exactly as it appears in the call log.
  5. (OPTIONAL) Add a brief Note to help identify the Caller ID.
  6. Click "Add New" to save.
  7. All restricted Caller IDs appear in the list below. This list also records their last call-in and provides deletion of the entry. Just click the red X and confirm deletion.




Prompt Information

When employees use the telephone clocking method, they may be prompted to enter the following information: a Department, Job, Numeric Clock In or Out Note, or Numeric Job Change Note.

In addition, you need to decide which Clocking Mode the system will support: explicit or smart clocking options. Explicit means the system will prompt employees to press 1 to clock In and 2 to clock Out. WIth smart clocking, the employee just presses 1 to clock in or out.





The language employees hear when they call in can be set to play in English or Spanish automatically by selecting it as the Default Language.


The system can also be set to prompt callers each time to Choose a Language or to prompt them the first time and then Remember their choice for future calls from that particular Caller ID.




Caller ID Log


If the Access Restrictions option is not set to "Do not restrict access by Caller ID", the Caller ID Log will contain a list of all calls received by the TimeIPS Telephone Access system.

Note: The TimeIPS telephone expects caller ID information to be in the standard North American "Bellcore" format.  When connecting to a PBX system, be sure caller ID is provided in this format.


See Also:
TimeIPS Telephone Clocking Menu (2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2)
TimeIPS Telephone Clocking Manger's Menu (2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2)
Using Telephone Clocking on the same line as a Fax Machine. (1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2)
Telephone Clocking Language Options (2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.0, 3.1)

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"Intelligent Personnel System" "Run your Business. We'll watch the clock." are trademarks of TimeIPS, Inc.
TimeIPS is protected by one or more patents. Patent No. US 7,114.684 B2.