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Applies to versions: 2.3, 2.4
Divisions Management
TimeIPS Divisions are designed for companies that own, operate, or provide staff to independent business units or sub-companies. Divisions provide a way to manage sub-companies such that all time, payroll and employee records are separated. Employees can't move between divisions (but they can be laid-off at one division and re-hired at a different division).
The required TimeIPS® Division module (IPSDIV) provides the following features:
Each module provides a license for one additional TimeIPS division.
Additional modules can be purchased for large installations with many divisions.
Each division provides complete separation for employees, time worked, overtime rules, schedules, jobs, work-orders, departments, sites, clocks, etc.
Each division can use site-based functionality such as memberships, coverage and restrictions. Additional site licenses can be purchased and used in divisions, if needed.
Each clock can be assigned to a division and/or site belonging to the division, so that only employees belonging to the division can use the clock.
When used with telephone clocking, each telephone clocking unit can be assigned to a site of a division, so that only employees belonging to the division can use the phone number.
When used with remote clocking, a separate access URL can be provided for each division, and only employees belonging to the division can use the URL.
Employees in a division can be payroll or employee administrators, and can run payroll and reports, but only for employees belonging to the division.
Critical system settings (like network addresses and master configuration options) are only available to system administrators belonging to the master division.
Each division can be assigned one or more managers. When used with the IPSPRM permissions module, the role of the division manager can be completely customized.
Division managers can receive email alerts when new employees are added to a division.
Note: Because divisions are made for separate business units, employee transfers between divisions are treated as a lay-off from one division and a hire into another. Time worked, benefits earned, payroll processed, etc. for one division never carries over to a different division.
Using the left pane Main Menu » Administration, click on: System » Company/Divisions
Add a New Division
Once a division is created, it can not be deleted however all divisions (expect for the Top Level Division) can be deactived.
Click on the + (plus) sign to the left of the Add a New Division bar.
Enter a unique identifying Name for this Division.
The Remote Clock/Login URL Identifier is used to uniquely identify an employee's division when using remote clocking or when logging in. This field is necessary for remote clocking within this division.
Select the Manager for this Division.
The Domain Name can be used insead of the Remote Clock/Login URL Identifier if you have a domain name or names that can be assigned to TimeIPS. Any web access using this domain name will use this division, even before logging in. Any domain name that is not specifically assigned to a division will access the top-level division's page.
Choose to either Duplicate or Create a New Division. If you choose to duplicate an existing division, the employees, settings, etc will be included in the duplicate.
Enter a Description for this Division.
Click the Create Division button.
Setup and Edit Divisions
Once a division is created, it will appear in the table below. Here you can finish setting up and make any changes needed.
Click on the + (plus) sign to the left of the Division Name to expand the window.
Company Info
Enter the master Company Name to be used where the company name needs to be displayed.
Enter the Company Name without HTML markup to be used for security certificates, automatic backups, updates, support, and service.
Be sure to click on the Save Row button if any changes are made.
Change the Division Name if needed.
Add a brief Description of, or slogan for this division.
Enter the System Message Sender E-mail address. Email messages sent by the system will appear to be from this address.
Select the Time Zone that this company/division operates in.
Enter a Division Payroll Code that is unique to this division which can be included in payroll exports.
If employees must login to view the company documents, select "Requried" from the drop down list. Otherwise, select "Unrequired".
Select which Badge number policy you would like to use. Badge numbers must be unique for all active employees. Selecting "Unique for all employees" will extend the requirment for unique badge numbers to all employees, including inactive.
NOTE: Changing this setting to "Unique for all employees" will result in inactive employees with conflicting badge numbers having -DUPE and a number appended to their badge number.
Be sure to click on the Save Row button if any changes are made.
Domain URL
The Remote Clock/Login URL Identifier is used to uniquely identify an employee's division when using remote clocking or when logging in. This field is necessary for remote clocking within this division.
Usage example: If the Remote Clock URL Identifier for this division was "yourdiv", employees in that division could clock in using either: http://local/?division=yourdiv OR http://local/remote/?division=yourdiv For Login, use: http://local/index.php?mode=login&division=yourdiv
If you have a Domain Name or names that can be assigned to TimeIPST, it can be used instead of the Remote Clock/Login URL Identifier. Any domain name that is not specifically assigned to a division will access the top-level division's page. Any web access using this domain name will use this division, even before logging in.
Usage example: If the Domain Name for this division was "", an employee could access their division's web page using: The employee could perform remote clocking using: OR
If the "Use Domain Name to Log In" is Enabled, any web access using this domain name will use this division, even before logging in.
Be sure to click on the Save Row button if any changes are made.
Employees listed as Possible Division Managers have the Division Manager permission item "Can Manage" set. To add/remove employees from the Possible Division Managers list, you need to add/remove them from the Division Manager permission list or enable/disable the "Can Manager" permission item found under Employees » Permissions » Division Managers » Employees and Modify Permissions tabs.
If an employee listed in the left column needs to receive access to this division, click on the Possible Division Managers name and then click the blue arrow pointing to the right. The employees name will then appear in the right column.
If an employee is listed in the right column under Division Manager and should stop receiving access to this division, click on the employee's name and then click the blue arrow pointing to the left.
Click the Save Row button to save your changes.
A read-only list of all the employees in this division are shown here. To add or terminate employees, go to Administration » Employees.
If a clock listed in the left column under Not in this Division but should be a part of this division, click on the clock's name or serial number and then click the blue arrow pointing to the right. The unit's name or serial number will then appear in the right column.
If a clock is listed in the right column under In this Division but is not part of this division, click on the clock's name or serial number and then click the blue arrow pointing to the left.
Click the Save Row button to save your changes.
Enter the number of digits in this company/division's Phone Extension.
Add a Prefix to print in front of phone extensions.
If an employee has a schedule for the day they are requesting benefit time, the start of their schedule is used as the Benefit Request Starting Time. In the absence of a schedule, the starting time you specify here will be used instead.
Choose whether Benefits: Process Modifications Before or After Accruals.
With the Preserve Work Order Data option checked, the system will prevent any automatic loss of data through changes to work order jobs.
Retroactively Assign Job: When performing a job change, instead of creating a new event, retroactively applying the job change will modify the currently open event.
Holidays: Auto Observance Creation: The number of days before/after a holiday occurs that determines when to automatically create the next occurrence. Enter the number of days and select whether it will be created before or after the holiday. Note: The wait time may be ignored by the system if the next observance would occur before completing the waiting period.
Holidays: Auto Event Creation: Enter the number of days into the future that holiday events will be created for employees. Note: Although the event is created in the future, the earned status is not checked until the observance range of the holiday.
Choose the default format of employees' full names.
Choose a format for employees' middle names.
Choose a TIme Format for the End of Week Mailer.
Click the Browse button and select an image to be used for badges.
Click the Save Row button to save your changes.
Information shown on the initial Directory pagecan be customized using HTML. You can write your own code, use the default HTML as a template, or leave it empty to use the default text.
If employees must Login to View the Directory, select "Requried" from the drop down list. Otherwise, select "Unrequired".
To Show the Last Clocked Time on the directory page for employees who are not logged in, choose "Visible" from the drop down list. This option is only needed if Login is Not Required to view the directory. Once logged in, these settings are determined by the individuals permissions and not this setting, and so it is possible for an employee to see more not logged in depending on their permission settings.
To allow all employees to view all statuses on the directory page without being logged in, select "Visible" from the drop down list. This option is only needed if Login is Not Required to view the directory. Once logged in, these settings are determined by the individuals permissions and not this setting, and so it is possible for an employee to see more not logged in depending on their permission settings.
Click the Save Row button to save your changes.
Enter the number of days before a user is required to change their Password. If blank or 0, no requirement is enforced.
Enable or disable web access Logging.
Enter the number of days to retain web access Logs. Set to 0 to retain indefinitely.
To make global System Settings visible to this company/division, choose "Show". Otherwise choose "Hide".
Check the Remember Me box to give employees the option to tell the system to remember their username when they log in.
Click the Save Row button to save your changes.
Login Errors
Customize the Login Error Message. This error message will be shown to a user who supplies an invalid username or password to log in to the web interface.
Customize the Login Permission Denied Error Message. This error message will be shown to a user who does not have permission to log in to the web interface. This would likely be a user who is allowed to use remote clocking but is not allowed to log in to the website in general.
Customize the Incorrect Division Specifier Login Error Message. This error message will be shown to a user who attempts to log in to the wrong division.
Click the Save Row button to save your changes.
If the 'Email Note' button on My Work History is set, a note will be sent to both the configured manager and this selected third party email address.
Enter the email address that should receive New Employee alerts. When a new employee is created, an e-mail will be sent to this address.
Select the email template to use when sending a new employee alert.
Enter the email address that should receive Employee Log alerts.When an entry is made to the Employee Audit Log, an e-mail will be sent to this address. TIP: Employee Audit Log entries can be created using the View/Add Changes :: Other option from the employee's employment tab.
Select the email template to use when sending notification of a new audit log entry.
Enter the email address that should receive Employee Change alerts. When an Employee's personal information is changed, an e-mail will be sent to this address.
Select the email template to use when sending an employee modification alert.
When an employee's timesheet has been approved but then later invalidated due to editing, an alert is sent to the managers who approved the time. However, an additional alert can also be sent to another address. Enter the extra optional email address that should also receive Timesheet Approval Revocation alerts.
Select the email template to use when sending a timesheet revocation alert
Choose whether or not to send Empty End-Of-Week email notices. If the End-Of-Week summary email will be empty for an employee, the system can send the email anyway, or the email can be skipped.
Choosing to will result in daily system generated alterts whenever an employee has offline events.
Click the Save Row button to save your changes.
Time Edit
When editing time in the past, a warning can be generated. Specify the number of days into the past that can be edited before a warning is generated.
When editing time in the future, a warning can be generated. Specify the number of days into the future that can be edited before a warning is generated.
When editing time, a warning can be generated if the clocked-in duration exceeds a specified number of hours. Specify the maximun number of hours employees can be clocked in without a warning being generated.
When editing time, a warning can be generated if the difference between paid time and "real time" exceeds a specified number of hours. Specify the maximun number of hours allowed between paid time and "real time" before a warning is generated. NOTE: The "Real Time" option below must be enabled.
To Show Real Time in addition to Paid Time when editing time events, select Yes. Real Time can be tracked in cases where rounding, snapping or other time changes are made, but the original "Real" time of the clock event is still needed for reporting. If set to "No" then, when editing time, the real time will be set to match the paid time.
When creating or editing time events, a warning can be generated if the new or edited event would result in an overlapping event with prior time. Select Yes to generate this warning.
Click the Save Row button to save your changes.
You can customize the Left Header Text that appears beneath the Logo.
You can customize the Right Header Text that appears beneath the Logo.
Define how the interface's Layout Style is rendered when employees are logged out. Either Fixed at 995 pixels or Scaled to fit the browser size.
When Show Menu is checked, logged out employees will see a restricted navigation menu on the left side of the screen. When unchecked, no menu will be shown.
You can upload your own document to use as a help page when somebody clicks on the Help link in the main menu.
When using a custom logo, you can set the color of the textual representation of the current time.
You can choose your own logo image to use in the header. Recommended: 995 pixels wide by 91 pixels tall. Use png or jpg format.
Click the Save Row button, then refresh the page to view the changes.
Page Titles
To change a Page Title, first locate the currect page title in this list.
Click in the box and enter the desired Page Title.
Click on the Save Row button to save any changes made.
New Employee Defaults
These settings will be used as default values for all new employees who are added into the system. After an employee is added, you can customize their settings and they will no longer be affected by these default values.
Add optional Instructions to be displayed when creating a new employee. These notes will be displayed on the create employee form.
You can specify the Default Employee Status that all new employees will belong to. It is limited to 64 characters long.
You can specify the default Accrual Group that all new employees will belong to when "Add Accrual Schedule" is selected.
New employees will be automatically added to the selected Holiday Group.
New employees will be automatically added to the selected Sites.
You can specify the Department to be selected automatcially when creating a new employee or when importing new employees. When no default is set where a value is required, the system will automatically select the first available option.
You can specify the Organizational Unit to be selected automatcially when creating a new employee or when importing new employees. When no default is set where a value is required, the system will automatically select the first available option.
You can specify the Shift to be selected automatcially when creating a new employee or when importing new employees. When no default is set where a value is required, the system will automatically select the first available option.
You can specify the Payroll Type to be selected automatcially when creating a new employee or when importing new employees. When no default is set where a value is required, the system will automatically select the first available option.
You can specify the Workweek Group to be selected automatcially when creating a new employee or when importing new employees. When no default is set where a value is required, the employee will be required to manually specify the appropriate workweek group.
You can specify the Schedule Group to be selected automatcially when creating a new employee.
The specified Remote Clocking setting will apply to new or imported employees unless there are not enough Remote Clock licenses.
New and Imported employees will automatically have a PC Desktop Employee license when added unless there are not enough licenses.
New and Imported employees will automatically have these Benefit Approval settings by default. Updating these settings will NOT update existing employees.
Check the box to Send emails when Benefit Requests are reviewed.
Choose whether or not to email an employee when they work less than their scheduled day or week. Choose an email template.
Decided after how many hours to eiter automatically allow or deny requests.
Click the green + (plus) sign next to Email Reminders to add actual email addresses, or [email1], [email2], [email3], [emailDefault] to use existing email settings.
Employee Default "My Settings"
These settings provide the default personal settings (My Settings) for all employees. Once an employee customizes their personal settings, the defaults will no longer apply.
Login IP Verification is a security feature to help prevent cross-site scripting exploits. Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs), most notably AOL, use an aggressive proxying system that may result in users being logged out of the TimeIPS system prematurely. If you use an ISP with aggressive proxying, you may disable IP Verification.
When viewing Employee Status or the Clocked In Excess Hours Report in the TimeIPS Directory, activate this option to automatically refresh the page when employees clock out or once every minute.
System notifications, which are notices about operational changes or actions needed in the TimeIPS system, can be sent to your E-mail. The E-mail address used is set in the Employee Administration area.
Choose the Default number of Rows to Show in Tables, for example in Time Edit, Employee Administration, Jobs Administration, etc.
Select the format which you would like to see Dates presented in the system. (Not implemented in all areas.)
Select the format which you would like to see Times presented in the system. (Not implemented in all areas.)
Select the format which you would like to see Durations presented in the system. (Not implemented in all areas.)
Select the Preferred Time Zone to be used. Organizations with employees in multiple timezones may choose to run reports in the context of the company's time zone or each employee's time zone. Timesheet Approvals uses this option directly.
Choose between a static, fixed with page, or an Interface that scales with your browser window.
Select the Default View for Timesheets when used with IPS APP Module.
Check the Calculate Overtime box to include overtime calculations in Timesheet Approvals and My Timesheet. If unchecked then all worked time will be classified as "Worked Time"
Choose to either hide or show Inactive Employees in Employee Selection Lists.
Choose to either hide or showActive Employees in Employee Selection Lists.
Choose to either hide or show Inactive Jobs on the Selection List.
Choose to either hide or showActive Jobs on the Selection List.
Choose how Employee Names are displayed in Selection Lists.
Choose how Jobs are Sorted within categories in most dropdowns.
Choose how Departments are Sorted within categories in most dropdowns.
By default, the Help panels are visible and can be hidden by clicking the help icon in your user bar at the top of the TimeIPS Interface. With this option disabled, the help panels will be hidden by default, but can still be shown by clicking the help icon.
In older version of the TimeIPS Administration software, changes would be saved by collapsing rows and changing tabs. Version 1.8 and above require that changes made be explicitly confirmed by clicking a save button. This option provides a Warning for employees used to older versions of the software to remind them that they have outstanding changes if they attempt to save by collapsing rows as in older version. sure to click on the Save Row button if any changes are made.
Alternate Login
Select an Alternate Login mechanism.
The Activation tab will only appear while viewing lower level divisions, as the Top Level Division can not be deactivated.
Deactivating a division will cause all aspects of the division to be inaccessible. All licenses used by the division will become available. All employees will be terminated and all payroll will be locked.
Click the Deactivate this Division button.
If you are sure you want to deactive this division, click the Deactive button.
Deactivating a division terminates all of its employees, so the system will ask you once again to confirm this action by by clicking the Deactivate button one more time.
Reactivating a division requires sufficient licenses to activate every aspect of the division.
Admin Actions
Merge Division: Merge all data from a selected division (chosen from the drop down list) into this open division. Before attempting to merge, make sure that your system is backed up
Merge Options: If selected, when a name or code conflict is found, the instance from the incoming division will be merged with the existing instance. Otherwise, the incoming instance will be renamed to avoid the conflict
Postfix in case of conflict: The postfix to be added in the case of a name/code conflict that wont be merged together {divID} is replaced with the divisionID
Note: The Top Level Division can merge any and all divisions into it, however, the Top Level Division will not appear in the drop down list for other divisions to choice from.
Enter the maximum number of days employees can have no worked time, benefits, holidays, or piecework before they will be auto-terminated. Set to 0 or leave blank to disable this feature.
To prevent certain groups from being auto-terminated, check the box in front of that group.