Date printed: 10-12-2024   Last updated: 01-11-2019

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Applies to versions: 3.0, 3.1, 3.2

Batch Piecework Entry

Batch Piecework Entry provides a quick way to manually enter piecework for multiple employees.To enter Batch Piecework, you must have an appropriate Piecework type configured on the Piecework Administration Page.




Using the left pane Main Menu » under Administration, click on: Piecework » Batch Piecework Entry






Enter Batch Piecework





View, Edit or Delete Piecework Events

To view, edit, or delete the Batch Entry Piecework you just submitted, go to the Piecework Report page, found under Piecework in the left hand main menu. Select the time range, piecework type, and employees to include in the report. Piecework that falls within these specs will appear in the table. See the "Piecework Report" article for further instructions.



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