What's Next?
TimeIPS recognizes employees by the employee identification number they type into the keypad or by the badge number they scan, swipe, or touch to the employee identification device. Employees can be added manually to TimeIPS or imported from a spreadsheet.
- Manually add new employees
- Import Employees from a Spreadsheet
Estimated Time to Completion: 1-15 minutes per employee if adding/editing records manually, depending on the amount of information being entered.
Estimated 10-30 minutes for all employees if importing employee data from a spreadsheet using the Employee Import/Export optional module.
NOTE: Employees can not clock in and out of TimeIPS until they have been entered into TimeIPS with a unique Employee ID/Badge Number. Optional employee information, as described above, can be entered at any time.
NOTE: The Setup Scheduled and Automatic Clock Control feature allow you to round each clock in and out time, set automatic lunch deductions, and setup time snaps. These features apply when the employee clocks in and out. Therefore, if you will be using these features, configure them prior to employee's clocking in and out.
Employees no longer need to write down their time or punch a paper time card. They simply clock in and out at the TimeIPS time clock station. Employees can clock in and out any number of times during a day. When an employee enters his/her Employee ID/Badge Number at the TimeIPS time station, TimeIPS recognizes the first clock event as a "clock in", the next as a "clock out", and so forth. The TimeIPS LCD display shows the employee's name, time, and "in" or "out" status. The speaker announces "IN" or "OUT".
TimeIPS is continuously calculating work hours in real time as employees clock in and out each day. Managers and the Payroll Administrator can view Time Reports at any time to see employee time ins and outs plus hours worked in real time. They can also edit employee clock ins and outs if they find any clock errors.
Estimated Time to Completion: 10 minutes to become familiar with running reports and editing time. Managers can correct employee clock in and out errors as needed to prevent correction requirements at the end of the payroll period.
NOTE: Remember that the time reports will not contain data until employees begin clocking in and out.
For additional information regarding the following processes, refer to the TimeIPS Support Knowledge Base at http://support.timeips.com and search for the underlined text.
Set up and Run Payroll
At any time between now and the first payroll period, the Payroll Administrator needs to set up Payroll to meet your company's needs. The Payroll Administrator can then run Payroll and mark it as "Payrolled".
Define Payroll Types
Employees are generally paid on a regular basis. The "payroll period" is the time frame (weekly, biweekly, monthly, or bimonthly) in which employees are paid. Some companies pay certain groups of employees on a different payroll period than other groups. TimeIPS uses Payroll Types to group employees with the same payroll period. Payroll is run once for each Payroll Type. Time Reports and Special Reports may be viewed by Payroll Type. Each TimeIPS system includes the default Payroll Type of "Direct". If all employees have the same payroll period, you can define the payroll period for the default Payroll Type then select the default Payroll Type for each employee in step 3.
Estimated Time to Completion: 3 minutes per Payroll Type.
Set the Payroll Settings (Work Week, Overtime and Doubletime pay rules, and Scheduled Hours per Week for each Employee)
Run Payroll
Mark the Payroll Period as Payrolled using the Preview-Review Payroll Export.
Estimated Time to Completion: 10 minutes to setup Payroll and the Manual Payroll Export Settings. Gross pay is automatically calculated based on the entered employee pay settings and time worked in each pay type (standard time, overtime, double-time, etc). TimeIPS will automatically increase an employee's pay rate to overtime or double-time when an employee reaches maximum hours worked as defined for the employee's Pay Type. As long as employee's time reports are accurate, running the TimeIPS Payroll Export then locking payroll is a 5-10 minute process per Payroll Type each payroll period.
TimeIPS offers three backup methods to protect your data: off-site backups, e-mailed backups, and manual backups.
Review and implement additional time and money saving features:
- Set up TimeIPS Employee Access Levels, if you have not already done so, to enable employees to monitor their own attendance and work schedule.
- Update the TimeIPS software.
- Review optional modules including automatic lunch/break deductions, schedule deviation alerts, job tracking, remote clocking, and much more.
NOTE: Estimated Time to Completion has been included so you can better budget your time. The estimations are the approximate times each process should take for a typical business person with basic computer skills.
- Define Departments to group employees on the Currently In Employees view and to include the employee's department on many reports. Each TimeIPS system includes the default department of "Administration".
Estimated Time to Completion: 1 minute or less per department.
- Keep your services active such as warranty service, technical support, and update service.
NOTE: Warranty and update services apply only to users with physical time clocks.